<aside> 🌑 Hello, there reader, I'm Preet Parekh, a tinkerer and a product developer, deeply intrigued by processes and the nature of how things work.


☎️ Contact information

📧 Email address → [email protected]

🐦 Twitter → TmPreet

🐱‍👤 GitHub → preetjdp

👩🏻‍💻 Work experience

Software Intern

2586 Labs, Remote - (Oct 2020 - Current)

Software Consultant

Rirev, Remote

As part of the consulting role, working on a couple of products, services, experimenting with protocols and new platforms, and building out pipelines.

Software Engineer

WedEasy, Mumbai, India – (Dec 2019 - Feb 2020)

The engineer responsible for building out the website for the product. Built out the website from scratch using Gatsby (React).

In the process of building the website, learned React at a much deeper level, got the chance to experiment with Hooks, Styled Components, React Spring, and React-Hook-Form.

Software Engineer